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1080Ti slower on ETH when overclocked

what pool?


It seems to be tricky for 1080Ti owners to get the good hash rate from their cards.
I got quite support from here: Zotac GTX 1080 Ti (AMP Edition) 43.94mh/s - low hashrate
There are experienced people there with some details explaining how to increase 1080 Ti hash rate. I would suggest anyone with 1080 Ti to read it.


I’m getting around 8 MH/s and I don’t know the reason:

Does some one could guide me a little please? Thanks a lot.

This is my current configuration

Sorry false alarm, was my power supply, I bought a new one and I’m mining around 43-46 MH/s.

Thx ! 45MH for my rog strix 1080ti now!

My settings for MSI Gaming X

It can go over 48 but it needs more power at that point so i am keeping it at 46.
Using NBMiner with Pill as i couldn’t’'t make it to work with memory tweak.

AS much as i like it but not using T-Rex as i have both AMD and Nvidia cards.
Hope this helps

you can use various miners simultaneously
press add miner in flightsheet tab.

back to topic, I use Asus turbo 1080Ti, here’s my settings
it’s 32c right now, they can go 44.2MH with lower ambient temp.

Uploading: Ekran Alıntısı.PNG…

MH/s 34.49 sevyelerınde hangi ayarlarla bunu bu ekran kartı modelinde 43 MH lara cıkarta bilirim yardım cı olurmusunuz. paylasımlardaki degerleri girdim ama 25mh geçmedi. hangi degerleri girmem gerekir. şimdiden teşekürler

Thank you for the msi parameters, I searched for a long time because I was blocking around 42-43mhs

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what miner do u use for the 1080ti?

Please let me know how to use pill through miner

it must be your miner or pool, that numbers are far too high.

senin ki oralara cikmaz, senin ki 1080 modeli burada konusulan kartlar 1080 ti.

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Thank you! This worked perfectly for my eVGA 1080 TI SC2 to bring it up to 43.61-43.63 and seems stable.

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Agreed. Me too with EVGA.

what OC use?

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